
README.TXT file for FLASH 5.0 for Windows 3.1x,Windows 95/98

System Requirement
Machine: 386 IBM Compatible or above
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 3.1 or Windows 95 (Read the DOS.TXT file for DOS upgrade instructions)
Note: This program will also run on Microsoft Windows 95. However, it may not run properly on Microsoft Memphis or NT.
Warning:When you use the flash loader,between flash erase & programming,don't pop
your modem card. Also,don't shutdown your machine.If you do this,your
modem card will be damaged,and it can't fix by any program itself.
Follow the steps below to upgrade your modem to V.90 on Windows 3.1x or Windows 95/98:

1.Make sure your PCMCIA socket drivers have been installed before upgrade this card.
Double click the Flash.exe.

2.Enter the name and path of the .HEX file you wish load (2mv90na.hex), you could click the Browse icon to select the .HEX file. EX. A:\2MV90LF.HEX

3.Click the Perform Flash icon,Flash loader will check your modem type and sector size.

4.Finally,Flash loader will erase your modem flash and program the new code.

Notes for PCMCIA modem
Occasionally, during our test, we found that when we have finished full flash loading on
PCMCIA modem on 486 machine running Windows 3.1 for working group, the program dialog box
sometimes would not go away even though the button was clicked. If this happened to you,
just pop out the PCMCIA card fromloading slot, the click on button. The dialog box will
be closed immediately.

  Filename Size Readme O.S. Description
exe 56e2-230.exe 323KB 56e2-230.htm Zoltrix 56k Modem driver for model FMVSP56E2, Win 95 / 98 NT 4.0
exe 56e3-2310.exe 344KB 56e3-2310.htm Zoltrix 56k Modem driver for model FMVSP56E3, Win 95 / 98 NT 4.0
exe 56ewin.exe 27KB 56ewin.htm Zoltrix 56k Modem driver for FM56e Rainbow series Win 95/98 NT
exe 56i3-2310.exe 344KB   Zoltrix 56k modem drivers for model FMUSP56I3, Win 95 /98 /NT 4.0
exe 56k8-v90.exe 885KB 56k8-v90.htm Zoltrix 56k modem drivers for model FMVSP56E, Win 95/ 98 NT 4.0
exe 56k9-v90.exe 885KB   Zoltrix 56k Modem drivers for model FMUSP56I, Win 95 /98 /NT 4.0
exe v90-56f2.exe 305KB v90-56f2.htm Zoltrix 56k modem drivers for model FMPCM56F, Win 95 /98 /NT 4.0
