
The file describes the files on this diskette, includes instructions for
programming the FLASH ROM and quick instructions for installing the Win95/98 driver.

File contents of the Zoltrix driver diskette:

\ Root directory

k56-v90.INF K56 Modem driver INF file {Win95/NT4.0}
56v90wav.inf K56 Modem Serial Wave driver INF file {Win95/NT4.0}
ROCKSER.VXD K56 High Speed serial driver (handles 230,400 bps DTE rate) {Win95/NT4.0}
SERIAL.VXD K56 High Speed serial driver (handles 230,400 bps DTE rate) {Win95/NT4.0}
README.TXT This file (You are reading it now)

BPFLV17.S37 Flash loader
Z2310p2.S37 V2.310 firmware
FLASHCOM.EXE Flash Rom Loader program
FLASHCOM.INI Flash Rom Loader INI file
FLASHCOM.HLP Flash Rom Loader help file
ZOLTRIX.BMP Zoltrix logo



If you have internet access, you can obtain more detailed instructions
at the following address:


1. Double click on "Modems" in the Control Panel
2. Click on the "ADD" button
3. Click on the box located next to "Don't detect my modem, I will select
it from a list"
4. Click on the "Next" button
5. Click on the "Have Disk" button
6. Insert the diskette containing the driver into Drive A:
7. Click on the "OK" button
8. Highlight the correct model by clicking on it
9. Click on the "Next" button
10. Highlight the correct port that you modem is set to.
11. Click on the "Next" button
12. The Wave device for Voice modems should now be detected.
Select the driver from the driver diskette if prompted.
13. You will be instructed that the modem has been setup successfully.
14. Click on the "Finish" button
15. Click on the "Close" button



Uploading the firmware into the Flash ROM

This modem is Flash ROM upgradable. This means that whenever there is an
update to the modem code, you can download it from the Internet, and upload
the new code into the modems Flash ROM. The updated files will be available
to download from the Internet on the Zoltrix modem drivers web page.

You do not need to upload the firmware into the Flash ROM when you first
receive the modem. This is done at the factory. But just in case the code
is lost, or you have obtained an updated version from the Zoltrix web page,
you need to update the Flash ROM with the new code. Please always keep a
backup copy of the previous version, just in case you experience problems
with the new version.

Before trying to upload the firmware into the Flash ROM, ensure that the PC
is functioning properly. Also, do not try uploading any other files to the
Flash ROM except files directly from Zoltrix intended for the K56 modem.
You may also want to do this when you are sure that the power will not be
lost while uploading the firmware. If power is lost while uploading the
firmware or you upload the incorrect files, the data in the Flash ROM may be
erased and you may not be able to recover it any other way except by
returning it the factory.

To upgrade flash ROM automatically run Flashcom.exe
(This automates the uploading process)


Use the following directions to upload the new code.

1. Start a terminal program that supports the ASCII transfer protocol.
(i.e. BitCom or Hyperterminal)

2. If your terminal program allows you to change the timing of the
transfer, change the timing to the minimum values to increase the
transfer rate of the firmware file.
(This does not need to be done, it will only decrease the time
required for the upload.

3. Make sure that you are in the "terminal mode" by typing AT followed
by the enter key. You should see the modem respond with OK.

4. If the modem responds with OK, type AT** followed by the enter key.
The modem will respond with Download initiated ..
5. Instruct your terminal software to upload the BPFL20.S37
file via the ASCII protocol.
6. After the first file is uploaded the modem will respond with:
Download flash code ..
7. Instruct your terminal software to upload the Z2310p2.S37 file
via the ASCII protocol.
8. After the second file is uploaded the modem will respond with:
Device successfully programmed
9. Now type AT&F&W0&W1 followed by the enter key to reset the modem.
10. Congratulations, after receiving the OK response, the modem
Flash ROM has been updated and the modem was reset properly.
You can now use the modem again as normal.


If an error occurred during the upload of the BPFL20.S37 file,
no harm was done. The firmware inside the Flash ROM has not been erased.
Just reset the modem or turn the computer off and then back on.

If the error occurred during the upload of the Z2310p2.S37 file you must
follow the next steps to try and recover.
a. Turn the computer off and then back on.
b. Start a terminal program that supports the ASCII transfer protocol.
(i.e. BitCom or Hyperterminal)
c. Type AT** followed by the enter key.

Note: The modem will not respond to any other AT command including ATZ.

If the modem does accept the AT** command, the modem will respond with
Download initiated ..
Go back and try uploading the files again.

If the modem does not accept the AT** command, the only way to fix the
problem is to pull out the Flash ROM chip and re-program it with a
Flash ROM programmer at the factory.

  Filename Size Readme O.S. Description
exe 56e2-230.exe 323KB 56e2-230.htm Zoltrix 56k Modem driver for model FMVSP56E2, Win 95 / 98 NT 4.0
exe 56e3-2310.exe 344KB 56e3-2310.htm Zoltrix 56k Modem driver for model FMVSP56E3, Win 95 / 98 NT 4.0
exe 56ewin.exe 27KB 56ewin.htm Zoltrix 56k Modem driver for FM56e Rainbow series Win 95/98 NT
exe 56i3-2310.exe 344KB   Zoltrix 56k modem drivers for model FMUSP56I3, Win 95 /98 /NT 4.0
exe 56k8-v90.exe 885KB 56k8-v90.htm Zoltrix 56k modem drivers for model FMVSP56E, Win 95/ 98 NT 4.0
exe 56k9-v90.exe 885KB   Zoltrix 56k Modem drivers for model FMUSP56I, Win 95 /98 /NT 4.0
exe v90-56f2.exe 305KB v90-56f2.htm Zoltrix 56k modem drivers for model FMPCM56F, Win 95 /98 /NT 4.0
