
The file describes the files on this diskette

File contents of the Zoltrix driver diskette:

\ Root directory

k56-v90.INF K56 Modem driver INF file {Win95/98/NT4.0}
README.TXT This file (You are reading it now)


Uploading the firmware into the Flash ROM

This modem is Flash ROM upgradable. This means that whenever there is an
update to the modem code, you can download it from the Internet, and upload
the new code into the modems Flash ROM. The updated files will be available
to download from the Internet on the Zoltrix modem drivers web page.

There is currently no update to this new modem and thus no firmware update program or instructions are provided. Please check the Zoltrix (USA) web site for any updated drivers for your Zoltrix model FM56e.


Plug the modem in and turn it on and start Windows.
Windows should detect the modem and request the drivers.
Point Windows to the location of the K56-v90.inf file and follow the onscreen directions to install the Windows modem drivers.

  Filename Size Readme O.S. Description
exe 56e2-230.exe 323KB 56e2-230.htm Zoltrix 56k Modem driver for model FMVSP56E2, Win 95 / 98 NT 4.0
exe 56e3-2310.exe 344KB 56e3-2310.htm Zoltrix 56k Modem driver for model FMVSP56E3, Win 95 / 98 NT 4.0
exe 56ewin.exe 27KB 56ewin.htm Zoltrix 56k Modem driver for FM56e Rainbow series Win 95/98 NT
exe 56i3-2310.exe 344KB   Zoltrix 56k modem drivers for model FMUSP56I3, Win 95 /98 /NT 4.0
exe 56k8-v90.exe 885KB 56k8-v90.htm Zoltrix 56k modem drivers for model FMVSP56E, Win 95/ 98 NT 4.0
exe 56k9-v90.exe 885KB   Zoltrix 56k Modem drivers for model FMUSP56I, Win 95 /98 /NT 4.0
exe v90-56f2.exe 305KB v90-56f2.htm Zoltrix 56k modem drivers for model FMPCM56F, Win 95 /98 /NT 4.0
