
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 1993

This document contains information that supplements the
"Microsoft Mouse User's Guide" and accompanying software.
The Microsoft Mouse software is designed and tested for
the Microsoft Mouse.

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I. Important Ergonomic Safety Information
II. The Microsoft Mouse Setup Program
1. Modifications Made by Setup
2. Returning Your System to Pre-Setup Condition
3. Setting up to a Floppy Disk System
4. Loading MOUSE.EXE into Upper Memory
5. The SHARE.EXE File and Multidisk Setup
6. Reinstalling Your Virtual Keyboard Driver
IV. Microsoft Windows NT Support for Your Mouse
V. Meet the Mouse
VI. Notes on Mouse Manager Features
1. Windows and MS-DOS Features
2. Magnify
3. Screen Wrap
4. Snap-to
5. Mouse Trails
VII. Other Issues
1. MS-DOS Support for the IBM XGA Video Card
2. Hot Keys on LCD Screens
3. Large and Medium Pointers
4. Windows 3.0 Support
5. Exiting from Microsoft Windows with a Serial Mouse
VIII. More Ergonomic Information
VIIII. ACER and AWARD Green BIOS with PS/2 Mouse


* Some studies suggest that long periods of repetitive motion, *
* coupled with an improper work environment and incorrect work *
* habits, may be linked to certain types of physical discomfort *
* or injury. These include carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), *
* tendinitis, and tenosynovitis. It is important to follow all *
* instructions carefully. Failure to do so may result in CTS, *
* tendinitis, or tenosynovitis. These instructions may not only *
* help minimize your chances of experiencing one of these *
* conditions, but will also help you to work more comfortably *
* and effectively. Ensuring that your chair, work surface, and *
* the placement of the mouse are in the correct positions is *
* important. In addition, you should take frequent breaks to *
* avoid sitting in the same position for extended periods of *
* time. See the end of this README for more important ergonomic *
* information. *



1. Modifications to Your System

The following changes are made to your system if you set up the
software using all the default conditions during the mouse Setup
program (default directory is c:\mouse).

For the mouse driver in MS-DOS, Setup makes the following changes:

a. Installs or modifies lines similar to the following in AUTOEXEC.BAT:

set mouse=c:\mouse
c:\mouse\mouse.exe /q

b. Adds mouse to the PATH statement.

NOTE: Setup adds mouse to the beginning of your PATH statement.
However, the end of your PATH statement may be truncated if it
contains too many elements.

c. Deletes the following line (if it exists) from CONFIG.SYS:


For the mouse driver in Windows, Setup makes the following changes:

a. Adds the following line to the load line in WIN.INI:

[windows] section c:\mouse\pointer.exe

b. Modifies the following lines in SYSTEM.INI:

[boot] section mouse.drv=c:\mouse\mouse.drv
[boot.description] section mouse.drv=Microsoft Mouse version 9.01
[386enh] section keyboard=c:\mouse\mousevkd.386

c. Adds a group to PROGMAN.INI:

(where n = group number and \mouse=mouse directory)

d. Setup updates to the latest CTL3D.DLL file to the Windows System
directory (if it's not already there).

e. If you have Microsoft Windows version 3.0, Setup installs WINHELP.EXE.

2. Returning Your System to Pre-Setup Condition

To return your system to its previous condition before you
ran the mouse Setup program, make the following modifications:

a. Remove the following line from WIN.INI:


b. Change the following lines in SYSTEM.INI to read:

[boot] section mouse.drv=mouse.drv
[boot.description] section mouse.drv=Microsoft, or IBM PS/2
[386enh] section keyboard=*vkd

3. Setting up with a Floppy Disk System

Setup supports only hard disk systems and floppy disk systems
with two drives. If you are installing files onto a floppy disk
system that has only one drive, you must decompress and copy the
files manually. EXPAND.EXE, a file-decompression program, is
provided on the Setup disk for this purpose.

To install using a single-drive floppy disk system:

a. Insert the Setup disk into drive A and type:

expand mouse.ex$ b:mouse.exe

b. When prompted by MS-DOS, remove the Setup disk and insert
your destination disk.
c. Reinsert the Setup disk in the drive and type:

expand mousemgr.ex$ b:mousemgr.exe

d. When prompted by MS-DOS, remove the Setup disk and
insert your destination disk.

To load your mouse driver, type:


Run Mouse Manager to set pointer options, if desired.
To run Mouse Manager, type:


If you install the software using a dual floppy disk system,
set up the mouse software from drive b to drive a.

4. Loading MOUSE.EXE into Upper Memory

The MS-DOS mouse driver automatically loads itself into
upper memory, if available. Using the MS-DOS loadhigh command
may cause your mouse software to load into low memory.

5. The SHARE.EXE File and Multidisk Setup

For multidisk Setup (360 KB or 720 KB disks) only:
Do not load the SHARE.EXE file (included with MS-DOS) before
you run the mouse Setup program. If SHARE.EXE exists in
your AUTOEXEC.BAT, it must be removed before running
the mouse Setup program. After mouse Setup is complete,
you can reinstall SHARE.EXE.

6. Reinstalling Your Virtual Keyboard Driver

If you received a message at the end of Setup similar to the one below:

Setup replaced your Virtual Keyboard Driver

you may wish to reinstall your Virtual Keyboard Driver if you are
experiencing problems with your mouse. To do this, change the following
line in the SYSTEM.INI file to read:

[386enh] section keyboard = c:\N.VKD

Where N is the path and name of your VKD. The location and name of your
former VKD is displayed in the message box at the end of Setup.


Some laptop computers have the capability to go into a sleep mode
to conserve power when not being used. Load the MOUSEPWR feature if
your mouse becomes erratic after you resume from sleep mode. MOUSEPWR
restores pre-sleep mode settings of the mouse when you resume
work on the laptop.

It's not necessary to use MOUSEPWR if your system has Advanced
Power Management (APM). However, this feature requires very
little memory (592 bytes) and won't conflict with APM if both
are loaded on your system.

The MOUSEPWR feature is not automatically copied during the
mouse Setup program. Use the MS-DOS copy command to load
MOUSEPWR.COM to your system. The MOUSEPWR feature must
be loaded at the MS-DOS prompt only (not in Windows). If
you need to load MOUSEPWR to your system, add it to your
AUTOEXEC.BAT file so that it loads each time you turn your
system on. For example, if MOUSEPWR is in the root directory,
add the following line to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file:


Otherwise, you'll need to load MOUSEPWR manually each time you
want to use it. Type the following line at the MS-DOS prompt
to load the MOUSEPWR feature manually:


where 'mouse' is the directory containing the MOUSEPWR.COM file.



Microsoft Windows NT will have Microsoft mouse drivers included.
For additional mouse support for Microsoft Windows NT, contact
Microsoft Customer Service upon release of Microsoft Windows NT.
Inside the U.S.A., call 1-800-426-9400. Outside the U.S.A.,
please contact your subsidiary.



Meet the Mouse is a short, animated demonstration that is
available for viewing when you run the mouse Setup program.
You can also watch Meet the Mouse from Mouse Manager. Meet
the Mouse takes approximately two minutes to run if you have
the minimum required configuration set up for Microsoft Windows.
Meet the Mouse may run slower if you have less than the required
configuration, or if you have a 24-bit graphics card.

To save disk space, you can remove this demonstration by deleting
the ERGODEMO.DLL file from the directory that contains your
mouse software.


1. MS-DOS and Windows Features

When you choose Set Buttons, Overall Pointer Speed, Acceleration,
and Orientation from Mouse Manager in Windows, the changes
do not affect the MS-DOS driver until you reboot your computer.
However, if you set these features from the Mouse Manager in
MS-DOS, the changes affect both MS-DOS and Windows.

2. Magnify

Once you activate Magnify with the keyboard key and mouse,
release the key and mouse button. Click any mouse button
to return your pointer to normal.

If you move the magnified pointer quickly in highly graphical
applications, it may take a few seconds for the screen to fully

You cannot use the Magnify feature on pull-down menus because
the activating keystroke causes the pull-down menu to close. This
also applies to other items that are deactivated by a single

3. Screen Wrap

Screen Wrap cannot move off the edge of the screen while
Microsoft Windows is busy (for example, while the pointer
is an hour glass).

4. Snap-to

If Snap-to does not work in some dialog boxes, it is because
the default buttons in these dialog boxes do not adhere to the
standard Microsoft Windows user interface specifications.

5. Mouse Trails

You can not adjust the length of Mouse Trails for Paletized
video drivers through Mouse Manager.



1. MS-DOS Support for the IBM XGA Video Card

A file called XGA.VDM is on your Mouse Setup disk, but is not
automatically copied during Setup. You need to copy this file
to your mouse directory only if you have an IBM XGA card in your
system. This file will give you MS-DOS support for your XGA card.

2. Hot Keys on LCD Screens

On some LCD screens some of the hot keys do not show up or are
not highlighted.

3. Large and Medium Pointers

When using a large or medium sized pointer, some MS-DOS
applications may not redraw the pointer correctly, resulting
in "mouse droppings."

When using a large or medium sized pointer, some applications
for Windows may not enlarge the pointer correctly.

4. Windows 3.0 Support

Setup does not update Mouse Manager in the Windows Control
Panel, version 3.0. But Setup still creates a mouse
program group which contains Mouse Manager.

There is no support for the mouse driver in an MS-DOS windowed
application within Windows 3.0. To get mouse support, run your
MS-DOS application full screen within Windows (ALT + ENTER switches
between a window and full screen).

5. Exiting from Microsoft Windows with a Serial Mouse

If you find that exiting from Microsoft Windows is slow with your
serial mouse, try modifying the following line in the SYSTEM.INI file
to read:

[386enh] section keyboard = *VKD



Personalizing your environment so that it is comfortable for your work
situation promotes a healthy physical and mental lifestyle. Studies
show that a carefully planned work environment can actually increase
productivity. Of course, only you can judge what’s best for you, so
we encourage you to adapt these tips to your own needs.


Exercise and frequent breaks play an important part in staying alert
and comfortable on the job. Take periodic breaks to rest your eyes,
move your body, and get your circulation flowing. Try some of the
following exercises several times during the day.

Gently press your hands against a table, stretch, and hold for five
seconds. Stretch and massage your fingers, hands, wrists, and forearms
throughout the day. Gently shake your hands and fingers to relieve
tension and help blood flow. Rotate your shoulders in a full forward
circle four times. Then roll them backward four times. Then rotate
each shoulder separately four times. Do this at least twice daily.
Organize your work so that you alternate using your computer with
other activities. Try to use different muscle groups throughout the
day. Get up and walk around several times a day.

Note: If you experience pain while using your computer, consult a
qualified health professional.

Chair and Desk

A chair that is adjustable in height is a good place to start. It
should be comfortable and provide firm support to the lower back
(lumbar region). Adjust the chair so that your forearms form
approximate right angles with your upper arms and so that your
feet rest flat on the floor. If your feet don’t rest flat on the
floor, use a footrest that is high enough so that your thighs
are about parallel to the floor while you’re seated.

If at all possible, place your system on a desk designed for a
computer. Traditional writing desks are sometimes too high for
computer use. A proper height between your chair and your desk
is essential. And don’t forget good posture -- slouching puts
unnecessary strain on your back and weakens muscles.

Display and Lighting

Place the display screen directly in front of you at a comfortable
viewing distance. Sit in your chair and make sure that the top of
the display is no higher than eye level. Make sure you can’t see
glare and bright reflections on the screen (anti-glare filters help)
or on your mouse, and keep your screen clean and dust free.

It’s important to look away from your display frequently. Several
times every hour, focus on an object about 20 feet away and slowly
inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

Keyboard and Mouse

Position the keyboard directly in front of you on the desk. While
you’re typing and using the mouse, keep your shoulders relaxed and
let your upper arms hang freely at your sides. Let your elbows hang
loosely near your body and allow enough room on your desk for
unhindered movement of the mouse. Your forearms should be nearly
parallel and at approximate right angles to the floor as you type
and use the mouse.

Position the mouse at the same height as your keyboard. If you can,
try to avoid light sources that can reflect on the surfaces of your
mouse and keyboard. Use your entire arm to move the mouse around
on your desktop whenever possible. The Microsoft Mouse is designed
so that you can rest your hand on it whenever possible, and so that
you don’t have to grip it unusually hard when using it. Avoid
excessive tension in your hand by relaxing -- don’t pinch the
mouse too hard.

The high-performance level of the Microsoft Mouse makes it
unnecessary to use a mouse pad. However, if you do use a mouse
pad, make sure it is not so thick that it raises your arm and
the mouse. Your arm should maintain an approximate right angle
to the horizontal table top. The mouse pad should provide smooth
friction for ease of use -- it should not be too slippery. It
should also be lint free so the mouse ball doesn’t get dirty.

The design of the Microsoft Mouse accommodates a wide variety
of grips and lets you use the mouse in either hand. The mouse
allows for several possible work positions, which can help you
avoid unnecessary strain on your arms and hands. By periodically
varying the way you hold the mouse, you don’t repeat the same
motion over a long period of time. The software that comes with
the Microsoft Mouse (Mouse Manager) supports the mouse design
by letting you customize the software for variable work positions.
It’s a good idea to periodically readjust your software as you get
better acquainted with your mouse.
VIIII. ACER and AWARD Green BIOS with PS/2 Mouse

If you have an ACER or AWARD Green BIOS and having difficulty
loading the DOS MOUSE.EXE driver, add the following to the


  Filename Size Readme O.S. Description
zip 16KB   MOUSE.COM v7.03 for any serial mouse. For those using DOS or Windows 3.xx.
zip 932KB msip10.htm Microsoft IntelliMouse/IntelliPoint mouse drivers. v1.00 Supports DOS and Win 3.x
exe msip11a1.exe 1246KB msip11a1.htm Microsoft IntelliMouse/IntelliPoint mouse drivers. v1.10a Supports DOS and Win 3.x/ Win95 Disk 1 of 2
exe msip11a2.exe 1236KB   Microsoft IntelliMouse/IntelliPoint mouse drivers. v1.10a Supports DOS and Win 3.x/ Win95 Disk 2 of 2
exe msip11b1.exe 1251KB msip11b1.htm Microsoft IntelliMouse/IntelliPoint mouse drivers. v1.10b Supports DOS and Win 3.x/ Win95 Disk 1 of 2
exe msip11b2.exe 352KB   Microsoft IntelliMouse/IntelliPoint mouse drivers. v1.10b Supports DOS and Win 3.x/ Win95 Disk 2 of 2
zip 907KB msip20a.htm Microsoft IntelliMouse/IntelliPoint mouse drivers. V2.0a Supports DOS and Win 3.x/ Win95 /Win NT3.5 , NT4.0
zip 1212KB   Microsoft IntelliMouse/IntelliPoint mouse drivers. V2.2d Supports DOS and Win 3.x/ Win95 /Win NT3.5 , NT4.0
zip 668KB msmo901b.htm This is v9.01B for the Microsoft serial mouse.
