
These are the Novell Netware 4 drivers for DTC 3270 ethernet card.

Subject: Release Note for DTC 3x70 Novell 386 V4.X Installation

Version: 1.4.50

Date : 09-21-93


1) The files include in the "FINAL" directory as follow:

DTC70AS4.DSK 13070 09-21-93 12:00p

DTC70HD4.DSK 14076 09-21-93 12:00p

DTC70AS4.DDI 1018 09-21-93 12:00p

DTC70HD4.DDI 612 09-21-93 12:00p

2) Generating installation floppy diskette:

1. Backup all the Novell Netware installation diskettes.

2. Copy dtc70as4.ddi, dtc70as4.dsk, dtc70hd4.ddi and dtc70hd4.dsk

four files from DTC 3x70 distribution diskette into the Novell

Netware installation diskette "NETWARE_2".

3. Highlighting the DTC70AS4 on the option available block, and

then highlighting the DTC70HD4 on the option available block

as well.

3) System and device used to run test:

1. System -- Server/Fortress VESA/ISA 486DX/33.

2. Devices -- Disk: Toshiba MK234F, Quantum LP240S,

Quantum LP170S, Maxtor 340S.

CDROM Drive: Hitachi 1750S.

4) CDROM software installation:

1. Copy adaptec's aspicd.dsk, aspicd.ddi and aspitran.dsk

three files into DOS partition Netware booting directory.

2. Load aspicd on Netware 4.X console prompt from Netware boot


Note: you can put "load aspicd" into startup.ncf file.

latest aspicd.dsk file size is 9294 (06-08-93).

3. Load cdrom on Netware 4.X console prompt from Netware system.

Note: you can put "load cdrom" into autoexec.ncf file.

latest cdrom.nlm file size is 63889 (06-28-93).

4. On Netware console propmpt type cd help to get help screen.

or type cd device list

cd volume list

cd mount "device #" "volume name"

5. At workstation side, you must utilizing bindery emulator,

the means you must utilizing Netware shell, and map a

network drive to match the CDROM volume (ref. MAP command

on Netware manual).

  Filename Size Readme O.S. Description
zip 15KB 2272nv3.htm These are the Novell Netware 3 drivers for DTC 2272 ethernet card
zip 13KB 3270nov3.htm This is a beta version of the DTC3280, DTC3270 and DTC3250 Netware 3.11 and 3.12 driver
zip 14KB 3270nv4.htm These are the Novell Netware 4 drivers for DTC 3270 ethernet card.
