
These are the Win 95/NT drivers for the EuroViva 56LC_?? modems.
These were sent to me as a common courtesy of CPI. And CPI is not
responsible for the integrity nor support of these drivers.
The EuroViva line of modems are an OEM of the Viva line of modems
that are sold in the USA. The OEM distributer is the party that is
responsible for the driver support of the EuroViva modems. Also,
because the phone line circuitry and bell rings differ throughout
Europe, and all of these differ from that of the USA, the Viva
modem drivers should not be used with the EuroViva modems.
Jim Webster at The DriverZone.

  Filename Size Readme O.S. Description
zip 550KB read_1st.htm EuroViva 56LC_?? Modems please see readme before installing
zip 47KB ev336.htm This is the Windows 95 driver for the EuroViva (Rockwell chipset) CommCenter 33.6 SP and CommCenter 33.6 SP NMH.
exe modem523.exe 1108KB modem523.htm This is the Win 95/98/NT4.0 v.90 driver for the EuroViva 56LC V modem
