
Signed on 2004.08.18
Description:Intel IDT 92XX Audio Drivers
File Size:23.7 MB (24951261 bytes)
Hardware Category:
Operating Systems:Windows XP (64bit), Windows Server 2003 (32bit), Windows XP (32bit)

Known Limitations or Issues

1. Intel Audio Studio does not process Dolby encoded material. On some movie content, the audio analyzer will show no activity.
2. Intel Audio Studio does not support over-install or repair features. When update Intel Audio Studio, you must first uninstall the current driver before installing the new version.
3. Intel Audio Studio does not process on a second audio stream when the multi-zone checkbox is enabled.
4. Mic balance control is not exposed on Windows mixer panel (see sec C in knowledge base below)
5. Issue, “Windows cannot enter standby with WMP paused” (Intel tracking #55) has been moved to “IDT Driver and Windows Knowledge Base” section as an “expected” behavior.
Recommended -> Update All of Your Drivers in 2 Minutes with DriverAgent
